Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The weekends here..

Its been a month I am here, and every weekend has been awesome! Well New York has a lot of tourist attractions, some of which I saw and some I will visit soon, but the main thing so far has been drinking! Been to a couple of clubs here, and they are VERY SMALL. If not small, they are jam packed! Went to Crobar( a famous club in NY) one of the weekends, and there was no place to stand on the dance floor, let alone dance. Going to a bar this thursday with other interns from Waterloo in the city, lets see how that turns out.

First weekend went around Times Square and clubbing with friends. Second was Aditi's B'day bash. We got drunk and danced like crazy at her place till the cops came. It ain't no party till the cops come I tell ya!!! lol...Well nothing happend, we turned the music down and they went away.
Third weekend here we went to a 3 city tour. My my, what a mistake to take a bus tour that starts from Chinatown. In future I am not going on bus tours, or getting in any bus that even passes through Chinatown. Our host was this sweet but loud lady whose English was incomprehensible sometimes. When she made her first annoucement of welcoming everyone on the bus and in the end said "thanks", I thought that was the end of it. Little did I know that she is gonna keep talking the whole weekend. I got a headache by the end of the first day.

We went to various tourist places in Philadelphia, Washington DC and Baltimore. The thing is she would give us little time to take pictures and come back to the bus. She said as a punishment, the person who was last was supposed to sing in front of everyone. Clearly, we sang everytime. I think it was more of a punishment for people listening to us. We were like prisoners with a few more liberties. On Saturday night we stayed at a motel in Virginia, drank and did stupid stuff in the parking lot. I'll post up pictures for you to know what exactly I mean by stupid stuff. It was so much fun. The only way I remember it happend was through the pictures. I think Saturday night made up for the tiring day, visits to perhaps all the museums that exist in that part of the world. We were told to get ready and be in the bus by 7:30am on Sunday morning. LIKE WHO in the whole wide world gets ready by 7:30am on a SUNDAY for tourism! Obviously, we were unable to get ready. It was funny trying to wake everyone up from their hangovers. Ultimately, we told them to leave, and we caught up with them later.
In the end, during one of her last annoucements on the bus, that lady said something like " I thank the educated people for cooperating and always being on time". Ahem... much deserved thanks, I wouldn't go through that torture ever.

One other memorable event the weekend after that was ice skating (the same weekend we went to Crobar too). So much for being from Canada, I haven't done ice skating before, even though there are rinks at every corner near my house. Although it was my first time, I picked it up pretty soon. If you've done roller blading or skating before, it shouldn't be too hard. It was a lot of fun though.


At 12:06 PM, February 17, 2006, Blogger Nimita said...

haha, I changed it. You wouldnt be caught dead in it? Are you saying you've NEVER been to one (wow thats discrimination)? ;)

At 7:14 AM, February 18, 2006, Blogger Tasha said...

Tasha was here!

Okay so I didn't read it yet because I just woke up with this major headache (which is surprising cuz I haven't talked to you) heheh

Anyways, I'm super hungry and too tired to get up an eat =oS I think I'm becoming more lazier than you.

I'm gonna eat and then read you blog. Oh put the pics up yo! Speaking of pics, I wanna get my own digi cam but I know my parents will kill me, cuz the ones I like are the professional ones for $500-$800 hehe >7mpa etc.. Yeah you can tell I've been doing my research.
Dude I have to do my course selection and I have no clue!

See one day of no talking and I have so much to tell you. =o)

okay ciao for now

At 4:17 PM, February 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you having so much fun! :D

yes breezeway is very dull without the constant fight b/w ben n justin =p. Instead we're working w/ 4 other full-timers in breezeway now


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