Friday, February 10, 2006

New York, New York

After much thought (and also getting bored at work) I finally decided to start a blog while I am here in one of the busiest cities in the world. For my New York readers, one of the definitions in Merriam-Webster of the word busy is "foolishly or intrusively active" (more on that later).

As much as I hate to admit, I think I am having as much fun here as I did in California if not more. I wasn't too excited initially to come here, after all I would be missing so much if I didn't go to Cali. My PSI friends, my relatives in SanFrans and my friends in Sacramento. How can I forget the unlimited road trips to different cities every weekend ( and the unlimited U-turns we made when we forgot the way), the beaches, Vegas, Hollywood, the first time I reluctantly tried Sushi, those entertaining fights between Justin and Ben in the breezeway( the room where we worked), Ivan and Charles coloring their hair pink and also the first time Justin started drinking and almost agreed to accompany Ben to a strip club due to peer pressure.
For those who don't know I spent last summer working for this mainframe computer company called Platform Solution Inc (PSI) with 7 other interns from my university - Ben, Justin, Ivan, Eunice, Ibrahim, Charles, Karam. Looking back, I had a great time there.

This term, I knew absolutely no one before coming here. Lehman Brothers hired 4 co-ops in total, 2 at their New Jersey office and 2 here in NY. On top of that, the company didn't pay us housing! Now which company in the world doesn't pay housing to its co-ops? I still can't get over the shock!

Anywayyy.. the truth is, I am having a fun time , because I met some wonderful people here. At work, I met Jack ( another intern at NY office), Elliot (intern who works at NJ office), Rahim, arif & Joseph (waterloo grads), Alim (UfT grad) and some other people. So many Canadians at work definitely gives a homely feeling :)

I live in a residence on 20th and Park Avenue and made friends with spanish girls here - Paulina, Christina, Ellaina and many more. They are from various spanish speaking countries - Spain, Chile, Puerto Rico, Mexico. I am seriously thinking of learning spanish now! I also met Alison & Liz from Texas, Helen from Florida and many more from around the world.

And not to forget my NJ friends from the other side ;) who I have been spending my drunk weekends with. A week or so before coming here, my friend Neha in India introduced me to Prashant who lived in NJ. Through Prashant I met his NJ university friends who recently completed their masters in comp sci and are looking for jobs ( so are basically free to have fun). I met Aditi, Rohan, Gaurav, through Gaurav I met Dipali, Chetali, Shilpi - who are here in New York on their internships ( just like me) but at United Nations from India. And I am in the process of meeting many other new people pretty much everyday.

Thats a lot of names for now. And I don't have the resources to post pictures up here yet, so will do that later.

so for now, life is good here in Manhattan!


At 5:15 PM, February 10, 2006, Blogger Nimita said...

I hope I won't be complaining :)

At 7:36 PM, February 18, 2006, Blogger Tasha said...

I love the name "Screaming Orgasm".


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